i've been awayyy but still this way - i come to stayhere's a piece of performance-work soon to been shown in
MIRfestival this coming week...
man[o]euvre by pedestrianThessalonikis pedestrian street, Thisseion, Athens-GR
Saturday 13.09.2008, 19:30pm
(Free entrance)

Εvening's fall colors
the rainbow in the valley
fades awayKobayashi Issa (1763-1828)
man[o]euvre is a site-specific performance. It uses movement and the visual element in order to mark a linear journey along the Thessalonikis Pedestrian Street at a specific time of day, the dusk. During the performance, two characters-beings come face to face with their transformations, the immaterial world and themselves.
A linear manoeuvre which borrows images, movements and feelings from the 'Orient' as well as the distinctive ambiance of the Kerameikos area, where today's urban life meets the ancient past.
Director-Choreographer | Marilena Petridou
Performers | Iris Karayan, Ioanna Toumbakari
Music | Nikos Veliotis
Makeup Art | Sissy Petropoulou
Costumes | pedestrian

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